Defense Verdict – Ocean County Superior Court

Williams v. Harrah’s Casino Hotel Atlantic City
In Williams v. Harrah’s Casino Hotel Atlantic City, Christopher C. Mauro recently secured a defense verdict in Ocean County Superior Court. Plaintiff claimed to have fallen over a curb in the self park garage which she claimed was a dangerous condition. Plaintiff produced a liability expert who testified that Harrah’s should have had a sign up warning patrons of this step up and the fact that the sidewalk was completely covered in carpeting did not create a proper visual cue to indicate that there was a step up. As a result of her fall, plaintiff suffered a broken shoulder and developed rotator cuff problems including impingement syndrome.

Christopher Mauro argued the curb in question was an open and obvious condition and that there was no need for a warning sign. He also argued that the plaintiff was the cause of the accident as she did not pay the proper amount of care and attention as she was walking in the parking garage.

After a two day trial, the jury unanimously returned a verdict in the defendant’s favor.